

Art, Architecture, and Design

Form Studies



Filed under: My Stuff, Paper,

Andy Goldsworthy


Andy Goldsworthy is becoming a true inspiration for my graduate project. His arrangement of naturally simple and bare elements, create a subject of serenity, movement, and a story coming into life all at once.

Filed under: Art and all, Sculptures, Uncategorized, , ,

Note to Self:

“Please realize that school is not your life, it is simply a supplement for all the things you dream of doing. It is not the dream.”


Filed under: note to self, thoughts

Ladies and Gentlemen Studio

I love the work of Ladies and Gentlemen Studio. I was at SAM shop the other day, and everything that caught my eye was from them. Their products seamlessly integrate old-world feel with modern times.

I’m so lucky to be living in a city filled with such creative minds.

homestead_a_500blk-citm a_500orb_light1 sq 500

[all images are from ladies and gentlemen studio]

Filed under: Industrial Design, Jewelry, Lighting, Product, Seattle Series, , ,

Principles of Bad Design

I will make myself a poster for my work area of Dieter Ram’s Principles of Good Design. It’s a great reminder to know how to design things.

However, I personally learn more when I’m told what NOT to do. Has anyone ever made a list of Principles of Bad Design? What are the main guidelines on how NOT to design things? I think that this is where designers should start. Ask ourselves first, “what should I not do while designing this product?”

Bad design is everywhere. By analyzing what isn’t working with a certain product we can make it better. How can we innovate if we don’t know what’s wrong right?

Filed under: Principles of Bad Design, thoughts,

Not Walking in Your User’s Shoes.

What’s that saying about walking a mile in someone else’s shoes?

Sometimes designers tend to forget this quote, and it leads to a sort of self-centered design.
How can we design for a user if we don’t know how that user feels, or how they use a product.
It’s impossible.

If you’re designing real functional products even just as simple as a worker’s uniform, and you have not spent at least a few days working that job I think your design will most likely fail.

Just something to consider.

Filed under: Uncategorized

Resume preview

I finally got the time to finish a decent design resume! Looking at it now, I realized I forgot to write some essential web skills such as HTML,CSS,PHP, and MySQL. I will have to make a post-it note about that, because I cant be bothered with it right now, if I keep going I will never finish it. Time limits and deadlines are good! I should have the .pdf file up on my website by the end of the week, so if anyone know of any freelancing gig let me know!


Filed under: My Stuff,

2.1 Billion People is the population of cyberspace, did anyone do a research on multiple personalities? I can’t be the only person there with multiple email address for example. How do they really count this?

it's a small web

Data never sleeps? Well yes, if you consider that 206.166.667 mails are sent, 342 blog posts are published, 100.000 tweets are sent, 751 new websites are created every single minute of the day.

Infographic created by Domo

See also:

View original post

Filed under: Uncategorized

Dieter Rams – 10 Principles of Good Design

  1. Good design is innovative
  2. Good design makes a product useful
  3. Good design is aesthetic
  4. Good design makes a product understandable
  5. Good design is unobtrusive
  6. Good design is honest
  7. Good design is long-lasting
  8. Good design is thorough, down to the last detail
  9. Good design is environmentally-friendly
  10. Good design is as little design as possible

Filed under: note to self, thoughts, ,

Shelter: Process Photo

Fresh off casting!

Filed under: Architecture, Industrial Design, Jewelry, My Stuff, , , , , , , ,

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